Karlstad – Oslo

Bus between Karlstad and Oslo

Travel with Vy bus4you between Karlstad and Oslo. 

The journey takes about 4 hours and 25 minutes and takes place without change! Just sit down in the armchair and let us safely and comfortably take you to your final destination!

Vy bus4you offers:
- Large comfortable armchairs
- Large legroom
- WiFi (free of charge)
- power outlet
- possibility to sit for yourself, or together with your favorite company
- 98% punctuality


Vy bus4you has Sweden's most satisfied customers, according to measurements made by SKI, Swedish Quality Index. For eleven years in a row, Vy has been awarded the highest rating in the entire passenger transport industry, which includes train, airline and bus companies. Vy bus4you is labeled with the Nature Conservation Association's Good Environmental Choice and Nettbuss is roadworthiness certified according to ISO 39001: 2012.

Our cheapest tickets can be found on bus4you.se nettbuss.se, but you can also buy a ticket from one of our resellers or if you call +46771-151515.